For the 10th edition of the Weekly Shot, I wanted to start by saying thanks to everyone who reads my ramblings. It’s been awesome to let some of my writing out into the world and make people laugh (or piss them off) along the way. That’s really my only goal. So, what we’re going to do is open the floor to the people. I have about a thousand notes on different Weekly Shot and Weekend Binge topics and could just keep going this way until carpal tunnel (or gout) inevitably ends my writing career. But I’d like to riff off some funny reader suggestions before that time comes.
Here’s what you have to do.
First – subscribe.
In order to subscribe go to The first thing that should pop up is a place to type your email in. By typing your email in and hitting subscribe (and possibly having to confirm the subscription in your email), you will now get the Hell or Hangover posts directly to your email when I post them.
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Second – email me a suggestion.
If you are a subscriber, send a topic you want me to rant about to
The topics can be anything you think I might find funny and that you want my take on.
For example – I started watching the mini-series Franklin by accident on Monday. No, not the one with the turtle, the one where Michael Douglas is trying to make us believe he’s Benjamin Franklin. This is a show I saw a preview for on Apple TV and actually laughed out loud at the casting. There’s no way in hell even the greatest actor could make me believe that Gordon Gecko is also that nerd Ben Frank. When I think of Benjamin Franklin I think of a fat guy with a ridiculous hairline holding a kite up and electrocuting himself, not the guy who’s married to Catherine Zeta Jones. But I was a bit hungover after celebrating Cinco De Mayo and figured at worst the show would give me a laugh due to how bad it was.
Well, I hate to admit that I actually love the show. I’m a big history guy and if the show is portraying the events with even a little bit of accuracy then I need to dive headfirst back into American History (book recommendations welcome). Not only does the show draw you in with a story, it also reveals a side of Benjamin Franklin I never knew existed: Benjamin Franklin the fucking cocksman.
At first I thought it was just the way Michael Douglas portrays every character he’s ever been, pure sex. You don’t need to be gay to understand Michael Douglas’s appeal. The guy’s got swagger on a hundred, thousand, trillion (Kanye voice). In the show, when Benjamin Franklin starts flirting with every other French woman he runs into, I thought it was just Michael Douglas going off script. I think this tweet sums it up.
After a little research, it turns out Benjamin Franklin had a way with the ladies (and a taste for the drink). The quote attributed to Mr. Franklin, “God made beer because he loves us and wants us to be happy”, is starting to make a lot more sense.
The fact that Benjamin Franklin had a way with the ladies should give all fat and balding men some hope. Seriously, look at this guy…the real one…he’s the 18th century George Costanza.
If BenjaRizz Franklin, The Fuccboi of the American revolution, could pull tail with that hairline and gut then…
So you see, the email suggestions can be as simple as, watch show or movie “x” because of “y”, or read this because of that, or check out this Youtube video – and if I find it funny I will use it and thank you publicly for making me write another of these ridiculous posts.
Thanks again.
Dad and I have been watching it too and I was never a fan of American history back in school. We love it !😍