Alex, this is your mother! I loved the lesson on Notre Dame... hated reliving your high school coach - on many a walk I cursed him out hard... and loved the tiny intro to your book. I cannot wait to read it. F the agents... do it yourself. It will mean a lot more to you in the long run. Love Mom

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I know I have at least 1 sale!! 😂

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Great article! Go Irish! (You got yourself another sale)

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Thank you so much! Means a lot.

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Great post Alex. Perfectly captured that feeling in sports when coaches have it… and when they don’t. The latter is always painful. I was down on BK for years but all the Fk out on him after the Declan Sullivan tragedy. BK shouldn’t be coaching college kids, even if they are now paid like pros.

Fired up for your book. Tip of the cap for running your own play. Sounds like it’s got some good The Hangover and The Family Man vibes in there. Put me down for a pre-order whenever it’s ready. Go Irish! 👊

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My blood boils about Kelly even before Declan Sullivan. I almost forgot about that. Insanity. And thank you man! I really appreciate it 🙏🏼

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Looking forward to reading it my man! I also appreciate your cool headed outlook re: the system and how things are playing out with this book in particular. No reason to get whiny about it, believe, as you say, and see what happens. Rooting for you.

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Thank you man! Coming from you it means a lot 🙏🏼 for some reason people think the world (especially the literary world) is out to get them…I don’t think the world gives a shit one way or another haha gotta try to make your own luck, roll the dice, and see what happens!

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Amen to that. I truly believe that outlook will serve you well in the long run.

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Congrats on the decision, Alex! I'm rooting for you -- though I can't root for Notre Dame. (Penn State either, so I'm in a real bind tonight).

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Much appreciated Amran! Wouldn’t expect a Michigan man to be thrilled with the playoff as is. Texas is your only hope 😂

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Ha! You know, I'm a fairly rational fan, and I have a lot of respect for Ohio State. They run a great program, which is why it's satisfying to beat them. If your rival sucks, what's the point in celebrating a win over them?

I like Freeman and respect what he's done at Notre Dame. My Michigan friends and I expected him to have success and he's delivered. It's a shame Michigan and Notre Dame don't play every year anymore.

Anyway, if I had to rank my options from bad to worse, I'd say: 1) Texas, 2) Ohio State, 3) Notre Dame, 4) Penn State.

Penn State's program shouldn't exist and Franklin is a fraud. I guess I'm rooting for Notre Dame after all.

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Hahaha there it is! Man I was worried for Freeman after the NIU loss but, like I said, he believes and so do the players and that’s half the battle right there.

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Looking forward to the book! Regarding ND…I’d argue the point that they are the biggest beneficiary of the expanded playoff. Lose 1 or 2 games every year and they’ll be in. The next week or two will determine if they’re any better off than with BK. Should be fun!

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Much appreciated! And yea, expanded playoff and NIL are huge for ND. Pockets are deep! SEC been giving out “NIL” for years 😂

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These publishers surely don’t know you’ve written the line, “that fucking scumbag rat piece of human garbage low life shit for brains assfuck” ..

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Poetry in motion

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Let me know when/if you have a hard copy ready. My new publication, The Metropolitan Review, can review it

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You’ll be the first to get it. Really looking forward to The Metropolitan Review. I don’t know if I’m much of a critic, but if you’re ever looking for some humor I’ll throw my hat in the ring.

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You’re making the right choice! I’ve published several books through traditional publishers. Now I’m gearing up to self publish something because: (1) I think it’s good, and (2) It’s better than letting it sit there on my computer. I’ll be curious how the experience differs. And I look forward to hearing more about your book!

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Thank you! And good luck to you as well. Would love to read something about your different experiences when it’s all said and done

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Thank you “cousin” Erin!! 😂❤️

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that will never get old! love ya!

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never hahaha love you!

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"Real beginnings are conceived of belief. Inspiration ain’t magic, it ain’t some manic feeling. It certainly ain’t beef. It’s belief, nigga, plain and simple." -- BEEF - VOLUME I

Proud of you for believing in yourself first. Please make sure there in an audio option for your novel when it drops because I will certainly buy it and would love to listen to it.

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Hell yea man! Thank you 🙏🏼

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God it will be sweet justice if ND wins it all (fuck Brian Kelly & his embarrassing attempt at Cajun twang when he took over their program).

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