Ben Franklin does NOT approve

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I admit I went a little far on that one. I’m surprised that cocksman Ben Frank didn’t come up with a hangover cure himself.

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We have a hangover cure in Ecuador called “encebollado” which is a fish soup. It’s just the vitamins, but alas, not convenient as a pill.

This also reminded me I had a pink and white shake weight. Still not the worst $19.99 I spent. I could have lit a $20 on fire.

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Hahaha well, I need that recipe ASAP. The closest I’ve gotten to a cure is my nana’s sancocho!

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It is strange the spirits industry hasn’t done more on the hangover cure front. We have countless examples of big whatever making something that prolongs the use of a damaging product. Big tobacco adds filters to cigarettes, big pharma creates ozempic so we can all keep living large on celebrity bro lunches and cereals. Why InBev hasn’t gotten in the lab and found the hangover cure and marketed the shit out of it is truly mind boggling.

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It’s unfathomable. Everyone knows the problem exists, everyone who drinks would buy it, yet…nada! Not only would booze sales sky rocket (shit I’d drink more than I already do sans hangover) but it also opens a whole new product line. Granted we wouldn’t learn our lessons about boozing too hard and probably have a liver disease epidemic in a decade but…since when has that stopped corporations from trying to make money? 😂

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Exactly! Everyone who “had a few too many would pay a good bit for it too. Saying there’s no margin in a hangover cure is like saying you can’t make any money on baby sleep gear. Don’t worry, that customer will pay!

Re: liver disease, we can rest assured conglomerate XYZ R&D would crank out a banger pill for cirrhosis prevention. Round and round we go. I say all that mostly in jest but it is a head-scratcher something as simple as a hangover, which has been around for centuries, remains this unsolvable puzzle.

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Hahaha it really is shocking man. Let’s start a company and raise some funds. I think we could just start a gofundme and millions of people would donate for the cause.

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