My wife wonders why I keep mine on so obsessively.
This is what I'm supposed to do, hon.
As far as doing thigs, this is where being the disabled guy helps. Whatever I do, I do incorrectly, so she doesn't want me to do them. But I'm trying to take advantage of comparative advantage. there's not a lot of the drudgery of life I really enjoy; let someone else do them.
We've got the money as Dual-Income Little Dog Owners (I'll leave it to you to figure out the acronym...), so spend the little bit more, and spare the lectures about my ineptitude.
I show that I'm still very influenced by "How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World."
She complains a bit, but generally it works.
And she really does enjoy flying when she's in first Class....
You forgot to mention how sweet I can be when I get down on one knee every time I find it to ask you to marry me again.
My wife wonders why I keep mine on so obsessively.
This is what I'm supposed to do, hon.
As far as doing thigs, this is where being the disabled guy helps. Whatever I do, I do incorrectly, so she doesn't want me to do them. But I'm trying to take advantage of comparative advantage. there's not a lot of the drudgery of life I really enjoy; let someone else do them.
We've got the money as Dual-Income Little Dog Owners (I'll leave it to you to figure out the acronym...), so spend the little bit more, and spare the lectures about my ineptitude.
I show that I'm still very influenced by "How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World."
She complains a bit, but generally it works.
And she really does enjoy flying when she's in first Class....
Hahaha man I agree. Whenever I can pay for someone else to do it…I do. Maybe thats why I’m not a first class flyer yet.